<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> Εισαγωγή στην Εφαρμοσμένη Βιοφυσική και Μηχανική του Κυττάρου


Confocal images of prostate cancer sections



Introduction to Bioengineering and Applied Biophysics

The cource will build a foundation in the physical principles underlying Natures machinery from both a theoritical and experimental perspective spanning from biomolecules and single molecules up to tissue. In addition encompasses foundation subjects in applied biophysics, spectroscopy, imaging microscopy and physical principles of laser-tissue interaction. The main domains that this course covers are:

School of Electrical and Computer Enginnering

Direction of Biomedical Engineering

6th semester (obligatory)

Prof. Dido Yova

You could find more informations about this course at http://ecourses.dbnet.ntua.gr/15481.html